
Showing posts from July, 2006

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland may have discovered a world of opposites when she stepped through an enchanted mirror; but with the band the Outside View, local music fans have the opportunity to receive an inside look at the trio's perspective on all things music. "Our lyrics are drawn from things anywhere, ranging from philosophy to personal hardships," said vocalist/guitarist Sal Spinelli. "Everything we write about has a certain story or feeling behind it. Life introduces us to opinions and experiences, and we, in turn, love to write about them." Made up of Temecula's Sal Spinelli and Ryan Kilpatrick, and Murrieta's Ben Coltharp, the Outside View came together in a blend of neighbors and friends. "In early 2005, after meeting in our apartment complex, Ben and I started writing music together with an acoustic guitar and drums in Ben's small heated garage," said Spinelli. "Soon enough, we realized that we wanted to really put an effort toward p

Hips Don't Lie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hips Don't Lie is a Latin-pop song performed by Colombian singer Shakira. The song was written by Wyclef Jean (who is a featured artist on the song), although Shakira assisted in writing and producing. The song was released as the second single from Shakira's second English album Oral Fixation Vol. 2 in 2006. 'Hips Don't Lie' became a global success and was both Shakira and Wyclef Jean's first (and to date, only) number-one single in the U.S. Wyclef Jean had previously had had a #2 hit there with 'Killing Me Softly' and Shakira had had a #6 hit with 'Whenever, Wherever'. In the UK, this was Wyclef Jean's third number one hit, after 'Killing Me Softly' and 'Ready Or Not', and Shakira's first.

Shakira broke records

Our girl Shakira broke records this past week with her single Hips Don't Lie. - Hips Don't Lie became the most played song in pop radio history last week, according to Nielsen Broadcast Data Systems. - The song was played more times in one week beating out the previous record by Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl made in the week ending 6/5/05. - Shakira's song's total of 9,657 times played on the radio, broke Stefani's previous record of 9,582. - This is the song's 4th week atop the chart. - Shakira also recently became the first artist in the history of the charts to earn the coveted #1 Top 40 Mainstream song and #1 Latin song in the same week and still holds the #1 spot on the Latin chart. We hope to catch Shaki on tour this summer. You should too!


Gynaecological operations can be the cause of lost sensation and libido, but there are things that you can do, says Knowles, like learning how to change position to compensate. ‘If your doctor is floundering or unhelpful, refer yourself to a psychosexual clinic that will check you out physically, and help you get a referral to a gynaecologist or neurologist.’ ‘I also see an ever increasing number of women who have lost their libido because of stress and work,’ Knowles adds. ‘Women are balancing family and work-life and often sexual relationships get pushed down the list of priorities.’ A Management Today survey of 2,000 people found 28 per cent of women said their sex life suffered because of their job; and a quarter of the AMA subjects admitted they had periods of ‘drought’ where they didn’t have any sexual feelings for their partner.

shakira dia de enero

  Mexico-born Venegas was nominated for record of the year and best short form music video for "Me Voy," and album of the year and best alternative album for "Limon y Sal." The seventh annual Latin Grammys, featuring 47 categories for Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking artists, will take place Nov. 2 at Madison Square Garden and will be broadcast on the Univision Network. 

Diese sind einige der Gründe warum

Viele Menschen in der Welt erhalten Doktorate, und einen großen Prozentsatz der Leute, die Sie erwähnt hier und an der Langlebigkeit Meme Fall in diese Kategorie sehen. Als eine allgemeine Regel gewähre ich diesen Leuten ihre Titelvorwahl nicht, wenn ich über sie schreibe. Interessanterweise hat keiner jemals gefragt, warum das so sein könnte; zur Abwechselung werde ich den Leserkreis zum Schlag im Antworten auf eine Frage schlagen. Diese sind einige der Gründe warum: 1) Leute teilen viel zu viel Gewicht einem "Dr" zu. vor dem Namen, besonders, durch einen Artikel mit der Geschwindigkeit fluchtig blickend. Ich würde sehr lieber Leser wurden gezwungen, diese zusätzliche Zeit zu verbringen, um den Zusammenhang zu lesen und ihre eigenen Entschlüsse betreffs der Verdienste - oder dass das "vom Dr" vertretene Gutachten zu fassen. wurde besser erklärt und charakterisiert. 2) Es gibt jede Zahl von verschiedenen Arten, wie man ein "Dr" werden kann. Am meisten sind

"שירת היובל" – מיטב האמנים שרים לאשדוד

נינט טייב במופע מדהים וחסר תקדים בעיר אשדוד, אשר יערך ביום שני הקרוב (24/7) החל מ- 20:00 באמפי ים שבסמוך לחוף הקשתות, חגיגות היובל של העיר יגיעו לשיא חדש. באירוע, שיהיה פתוח לכל התושבים, יתארחו עשרות אמנים ביניהם נינט טייב, מה קשור, מושיק עפייה ועוד רבים אחרים » עשרות אמנים יגיעו ביום שני הקרוב לעיר אשדוד להשתתף באחד מאירועי השיא של חגיגות היובל של העיר, "שירת היובל". במהלך הערב, שילווה בסדרה של הופעות, יוקרן סיפורה של העיר אשדוד באמצעות הפקת מולטימדיה שמארגניה מגדירים אותה ככזו ש"טרם נראתה באזורנו". » בין המשתתפים אשר יגיעו לעיר יהיו מיטב האמנים בארץ: נינט טייב, שלומי שבת, רן דנקר, מה קשור, דוד דאור, אתי אנקרי ,מושיק עפיה, חיים אוליאל ועוד רבים וטובים, אשר ילוו בלהקות שינגנו מוזיקה LIVE. » המופע ייחתם במיצג זיקוקים ענק. כל הערב פתוח לתושבים ובמטה היובל מזמינים את כל תושבי אשדוד להגיע וליהנות מההופעות, מהמוסיקה ומהפנינג ענק של יריד אמנים ואוכל שיערך במקום. כשאתה כאן

Ccalifornia: Broker suggests ...

Moving to Los Angeles Broker suggests ...

Perfect Diamond

As you walk along on your quest for the perfect diamond for your mate, you hear, “Pssst! Hey mister, I hear you’re looking for some good rocks. I’ve got some great stones, really reasonably priced. I’ll even throw in the ring for free!” Sounds shady? You bet he is! Of course, you wouldn’t really buy a diamond from a guy in an alley wearing a trench, right? Bet you’d be amazed by how many scams are pulled and in broad daylight by jewelers who seem absolutely honest. Some of them even have beautiful shops that look really hi-tech. Beat them at their own game by learning their scams. The bigger the better, a lot of people say. When a jeweler tells you that you have a five carat diamond ring, don’t get dazzled by the carats. If there was only one stone then you’d have no problem. You might actually be getting a 1 carat diamond surrounded by eight half-carat smaller pieces. An honest jeweler will tell you the weight of each stone in the ring separate from the center diamond. In fact he’ll e


Шакира: секс - это священно - Если бы ты рисовала себя, что бы ты изобразила? - Я нарисовала бы женщину с мозгами, сердцем, с женским началом, на фоне колумбийского флага. Всё тело в огне. Мне кажется, я одновременно чувственна, упряма, рациональна и склонна к анализу. Как тебе мой портрет? - Страшно подумать. Скажи, а что случилось с твоей фамилией, Риполл ? - Да ничего с ней не случилось, она по-прежнему у меня в крови. Просто я использую только своё имя, чтобы его было проще запомнить. - Скажи, чего ты боишься больше: пауков, высоты или смерти? - Конечно, смерти. Я, вообще-то, некрофобка. - И каковы симптомы? - Вообще-то я не люблю касаться этой темы, потому что она ввергает меня в состояние экзистенциального беспокойства. Ведь смерть - это не только физическая гибель тела, бывает смерть отношений или чувств. И каждый день я чувствую себя немного старше, немного менее живой, в общем, ближе к смерти. - Да-а, последней поп-звездой, от которой мы слышали фразу экзистенциальное беспокой

new blog... do you like Cassie?

Writing in these things, is a whole new environment for me. I have no idea what I write in this thing, I spose you just ramble and moan in it about nothing. Or the patheticness of your daily life. I don't know, but what the heck. Here i am, bloggnig away about nothing, telling the world about my worthless issues in my daily life. So i spose this comes in handy. I'll leave it at that, until i get this blog together. And change it to the nice beautiful designs that i wish i can have. Hm.

Is P2P legal?

Are you confused about P2P and file sharing networks? If so, you are not alone. The main reason for the confusion is that many people are saying that file sharing networks are illegal while others are sayihg that they are legal. Also, the file sharing services themselves don't always disclose all the risks involved with the use of their services because they want more people to sign-up. The truth is that file sharing networks themselves are legal in the U.S. but they can be used illegally. Judges have ruled that even though file sharing networks can be used for illegal purposes, the services themselves are not illegal. It is easily possible for illegal or copyrighted files to be shared on the network and because of the huge number of connected computers and files being shared, it is nearly impossible for the file sharing service to prevent abuse. You don't have to be a bad person to use a file sharing service illegally. Since there is such a huge selection of files (in the bill

Шакира страстно хочет стать матерью

Шакира страстно хочет стать матерью Кажется на поп-небосклоне грядет бэби-бум. Только что Бритни высказалась о своем желании иметь детей, но она планирует это через несколько лет. А колумбийская "звезда" Шакира готова родить хоть сейчас. Недавно 24-летняя Шакира сказала, что ужасно хочет родить ребенка и выйти замуж за своего бойфренда Антонио де ла Руа. Они с Антонио страстно хотят пожениться, но вот дату свадьбы никак не назначат. Шакира также поведала, что она симпатизирует семье своего жениха (Антонио - сын экс-президента Аргентины) и очень переживала, когда у них были трудности, и президент был вынужден уйти в отставку. К сожалению, прямо сейчас желание Шакиры вряд ли выполнимо - она совершает промо-тур в поддержку своего первого англоязычного альбома "Laundry Service", зато родители Антонио одобряют идею будущей невестки родить пораньше - они хотят, чтобы у их внука была молодая мать. Примеры Бьорк, Натали Эпплтон, Виктории Бэкхем, Юли Чичериной и других подт

מילים לשיר hips dont lie

Shit! i adore the song..i just cant help gettin' along with the beat! u go Shakeeeerrraaaa!


Шакира родилась в колумбийском городке Барранкилья 2 февраля 1977 года. У колумбийской мамы Шакира была единственной дочкой, а вот папа - выходец из Ливана - уже успел дать жизнь многочисленному потомству еще в первом браке. Таким образом, у маленькой Шакиры было пять старших братьев и три старшие сестры. Братья приходили навестить малышку Шакиру и поиграть с ней. Они подкидывали ее на руках вверх и щипали за щечки. Девочка просто купалась в любви старших детей. Папа Виллиам Мебарак держал ювелирный магазин и заодно кое-что пописывал в литературные журналы. Был, в общем, писателем-ювелиром. Мать Нидия занималась шустрой дочерью. Шакира выказала себя настоящим вундеркиндом: в полтора года она знала алфавит, в три -- научилась читать и писать. В четыре собралась с матерью в школу, но директор, увидев пигалицу от горшка два вершка, выставил их за дверь с криками: "Рано, рано". На следующий год настойчивая девчонка снова поперлась в школу, и тут уж учителя вынуждены были созват

message from friend in LA

well i here hips dont lie the most on thr radio so thats pretty popular

Everything's Just Wonderful

  Do you think, everything, everyone, is going mental, It seems to me that it's spiralling outta control and it's inevitable, Now don't you think, This time is yours, this time is mine, Its temperamental, It seems to me, we're on all fours, Crawling on our knees, Someone help us please Oh Jesus Christ almighty, Do I feel alright? No not slightly, I wanna get a flat I know I can't afford it, It's just the bureaucrats who won't give me a mortgage, Well it's very funny cos I got your fuckin money, And I'm never gonna get it just because of my bad credit Oh well I guess I mustn't grumble, I suppose that's just the way the cookie crumbles. Chorus Oh yeah, I'm fine, Everything's just wonderful, I'm having the time of my life. Don't you want something else, Something new, than what we've got here, And don't you feel it's all the same, Some sick game and it's not insincere, I wish I could change the ways of the world,

Butt And Thigh Shaper Exercise Options

Everyone knows about running , cycling , roller blading and so on...however if you're sporting a huge fat butt you're not feeling comfortable about jumping on a bike. Running? Nice concept, but the practical facts are that many persons with the apple body shape and a pronounced fat butt lack the muscle tone and strength and mental discipline to head out onto the street. Emotionally? The thought of plodding along a public street, with sagging skin, is just too embarrassing. Result? You know what you might do...but can't take the next step. Get un-trapped and release that fat butt dilemma by looking at some of the most targeted in-home butt exercise programs, such as Yoga Booty Ballet. To shape yourself via exercise towards a small butt, you need a special combination of strength, balance, carb and fat-burning fun dance routines, which is precisely what Yoga Booty Ballet gives you. Guys and gals alike describe their new energy levels, plus the fact that they're losing 20


"Everyone can know what is in my heart because I find it hard to conceal myself." "For several years I worried a lot about protecting an image, but today I have understood that the image cannot be preconceived." "I admire a person who, for the love of art, is able to take off their clothes in front of a camera. But I'm not capable, I'm too cowardly for that." "I admire Madonna because she always did whatever she felt like doing. She went through some controversial periods when people rejected her, but she kept on reinventing herself." "I always believed that women have rights and that there are some women that are intelligent enough to claim those rights. There are some others that are stupid enough not to." "I am trying to make my accent so it won't bother anyone, but I am not going to drive myself crazy trying to pretend I am an American girl when I am from Colombia." "I don't go out without make up. I&#

veru old shakira pcs


Black and White Sjakira pics


Christina Milian

In the summer of 2005, Milian broke up with actor Nick Cannon after being together for nearly two and a half years. In an interview with Angie Martinez, she spoke about how she found out about Cannon cheating on her. Apparently while she was away filming a movie in Romania, she attempted to log in to his t-mobile account by entering in random passwords. After lucking out with one of the passwords, she was able to read all of the messages he sent out and received to and from other women. When she returned back to the states, she decided to play it cool before hitting him with the news that she knew he was cheating.

World Hold On Bob Sinclar lyrics

Artist: Bob Sinclar Album: Western Dream Year: 2006 Title: World Hold On Oh yeah, yeah… Open up your heart, what do you feel Open up your heart, what do you feel… is real The big bang may be a million years away But I can’t think of a better time to say World, hold on Instead of messing with our future, open up inside World, hold on Wonder you will have to answer to the children of the sky World, hold on Instead of messing with our future Tell me no more lies World, hold on Wonder you will have to answer to the children of the sky Children of the sky… Children of the sky… Look inside, you’ll find a deeper love The kind that only comes from high above If you ever meet your inner child, don’t cry Tell them everything is gonna be alright World, hold on Instead of messing with our future, open up inside World, hold on Wonder you will have to answer to the children of the sky World, hold on Come one, everybody in the universe, come on World, hold on Wonder you will have to answer to the

Video Hips Dont Lie (las caderas no mienten) en Espanol.

es mucho mejor la version en español q en ingles la verdad . hay delos q desprecian ala lengua española ademas esta version le pone un toque rico cosa q en ingles no tiene

da vinci code

well i went to see this movie before anyone else. just because i didn't want to have to pay for it so the screening was of course essential. i must say after viewing it, i cannot imagine how someone had the ability to create such a counter to all that is christianity. completely clever adaptation for sure. i was blown away, it was very deep and everything it said could make sense and be very possible. however, if i was religious wow i bet i would hate this movie. i'm willing to bet christians everywhere have a closed enough mind not to accept any of the ideas presented in this film. obviously there are probably the odd few that will. a point i do have to make is the movie just goes on way to long, and normally i love long movies (king kong kicks all ass) but this movie was very slow and having no action or suspense or anything made for a long long drag. consider also it is very religious in it's own way, and i have no interest in religion either but was willing to try to un

Zizou the French hero

Judging by the reception Zidane received when he flew back to France, the views of some of those in Gennevilliers are echoed across the country. About 10,000 people turned out to greet him in the Place de la Concorde, waving banners and French flags. On the balcony of a posh hotel, he soaked up the cheers of the crowd - the warmth of the welcome banishing, perhaps for a brief moment, the torment of the night before. He's still loved and respected by his own people. For him, perhaps that's as wonderful as winning the World Cup. more...

Meine Hüften nicht Liegen

Damen auf heute abend hier drinnen Kein Kämpfen, kein Kämpfen, Wir machten die Flüchtlinge hier drinnen auf Kein Kämpfen, kein Kämpfen, Shakira, Shakira, Ich wußte nie wirklich, daß sie wie es tanzen konnte, Sie macht, daß ein Mann Spanisch sprechen will, Como se-Lama, bonita, Meile casa, su casa, Shakira, Shakira Ach Baby, wenn Sie wie es reden, Sie machen ärgerlich einen Frauen gehen Seien Sie deshalb weise und bleiben Sie darauf Das Lesen der Zeichen von meinem Körper Und ich bin heute abend angeschaltet Sie wissen, daß meine Hüften nicht liegen, Und ich beginne, mich zu fühlen, daß es richtig ist, Die ganze Anziehung, die Spannung, Sie sehen kein Baby, dies ist Vollendung Hallo Mädchen, ich kann Ihren Körper sich bewegen sehen Und es fährt mich verrückt Und ich hatte die leichteste Idee nicht Bis ich Sie tanzen sah, Und wenn Sie auf den Tanzboden aufwärts gehen, Niemand kann den Weg nicht ignorieren, den Sie Ihren Körper, Mädchen, bewegen, Und alles so unerwartet, der Weg Sie richt

Shakir Fifa Pictures



Batanga - Latin Music Internet Radio, the best place to listen to Latin Music on the Internet 41 53 beach resorts in batangas philippines 34 44 batangas 17 22 batangas beach resorts 14 18 balayan, batangas 14 18 batangas plaza hotel 12 16 baston batangas 12 16 BATANGA 11 14 Batanga 11 14 batangas beaches 11 14 resortssan juan, batangas 11 14 batanga radio 11 14 playa del sol batangas 10 13 kauanoe batangan 8 10 Batangas estate philippine real 8 10 batanga knife 7 9 batangas beach resort 7 9 kelson batangan 7 9 lipa batangas From Manila, take the South Luzon Tollway all the way to the south end. At the end of the tollway, take the exit that points to Lucena and simply drive along this national road until you reach the Sto. Tomas junction. Sto. Tomas has two junctions, and one of which (the second) does not have any road sign when we passed by. Anyway, on both juctions, take the road to the left (southeastward) toward Lucena. This will take you


Our friends in Italia beat out the French in a dramatic World Cup finals match that ended in an overtime shoot-out on Sunday. However, what we really cared about was Shakira! President Clinton and his daughter, Chelsea, as well as Eva Longoria's boyfriend, Tony Parker, were there to witness our baby girl dazzle the crowd with an electrifying special World Cup remix of Hips Don't Lie. Candela!


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שאקירה? How do you write Shakira in Hebrew?

1. Shakira Lyrics 2. Shakira Lyrics photo, poster, wallpaper, and red-carpet pictures. 3. Shakira concert tickets, Shakira tickets, Buy Shakira conceert tickets 4. - מילים לשירים של Shakira 5. Index of /DB/MUSIC/DANS/shakira 6. Index of /DB/MUSIC/Luazi/SHAKIRA 7. index-of-avi-shakira 8. פרש - shakira - hips dont lie 9. Posters.Websolution - Posters. Prints. Photos. - "Shakira" Poster 10. Shakira | חבר'ה - הייד פארק 11. שאקירה music 12. - מילות השיר Hips Don't Lie - Shakira - שאקירה 13. Shakira שאקירה Lyrics 14. Blind Janitor -Artist page: shakira- 15. - הפורומים החדשים של בייס :: ראה נושא - (Shakira ... 16. Shakira y Alejandro Sanz - La Tortura - Pasion Latina 17. Shakira , הייד פארק - פורומים 18. :: הצגת נושא - Shakira Shakir שאקירה :P 19. :: הצגת נושא - שאקירה Shakira Shakir :P 20. :: הצגת נושא - Shakira Shakir :P 21. shakira שאקירה 22. SHAKIRA שקירה 23. - shakira 24. תפוז אנשים - Shakira p


The 21-year-old nudged Shakira's Hips Don't Lie into the second spot after it spent just one week at the top of the singles chart. 1. Lily Allen - Smile 2. Shakira - Hips Don't Lie 3. Razorlight - In The Morning 4. Nelly Furtado - Maneater 5. Paolo Nutini - Last Request

Las Caderas No Mienten

"Las Caderas No Mienten" información de Canción La canción, que es una nueva versión "del Baile Como Este" (que Jean había registrado para la Banda de sonido de Baile Sucia en 2004), aparece sólo en la edición especial del álbum de Shakira. La introducción de la canción es un extracto de la canción "Amores Como Nuestro el-" por Jerry Rivera. El floreo de trompeta distintivo también fue antes oído en la canción "Deja Vu (Hacia las afueras Bebé)" por el Lord Tariq y Peter Gunz. Ello debuted en la emisora de radio Angeles-basada Los KIIS-DE (en el Ryan Seacrest Espectáculo de Mañana) el 14 de febrero de 2006. La canción entera puede ser oída en el sitio Web oficial de Shakira [1]. Shakira y Wyclef Jean realizada "Caderas no Mienten" en los programas de televisión siguientes: Ídolo americano, el Ellen DeGeneres Espectáculo y Petición Total Viva. Puede ser oído en el juego de vídeo de Deportes EA MVP 06 Béisbol NCAA, la banda de sonido de pe

dance shakira!!!!

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Shakira in the world cup 2006 FiFa

So we saw Shakira twice during World Cup FIFA 2006: 1. In the beginning - hip-hop star Wyclef Jean and Shakira performed at this summer's World Cup final in Germany before the big game kicks off. 2. In the end - On July 9, last Sunday, Colombian songstress Shakira sang 10 minutes before final match of the World Cup between Italy and France !



Top 20 Artisti

1) Jesse McCartney 2) Zero Assoluto 3) Shakira 4) Ligabue 5) Studio 3 6) Lee Ryan 7) Anna Tatangelo 8) Laura Pausini 9) Rihanna 10) Duncan James 11) Guns'N'Roses 12) Mondo Marcio 13) Avril Lavigne 14) Gianna Nannini 15) Vasco Rossi 16) Negramaro 17) Amici Di Maria De Filippi 18) Finley 19) Fabrizio De Andrè 20) Luigi Tenco

Number 1 Singles

1998 Ciega, Sordomuda 1999 Tu 2001 Suerte 2003 Que Me Quedes Tu 2005 La Tortura 2006 Hips Don't Lie *Billboard Hot Latin Tracks HIPS DON'T LIE also reached The HOT BILLBOARD 100 spot number #1 in June 8th Discography: - Magia (1991) - Peligro (1993) - Pies Descalzos (1996) - The Remixes (1997) - Donde Estan Los Ladrones (1998) - MTV Unplugged (2000) - Laundry Service/Servico de Lavanderia (2001) - Grandes Exitos/Greatest Hits (2002) - Laundry Service Limited Edition: Washed & Dried (2002) - Live & Off The Record/En Vivo y Privado (2004) - Fijación Oral Vol. 1 (2005) - Oral Fixation Vol. 2 (2005) - Oral Fixation Vol. 2 (Containing Hips Don't Lie and La Tortura Alt. Version) (2006) DVDs Released - MTV Unplugged (2000) - Live & Off The Record/En Vivo y Privado (2004) Videography - Magia (1991) - Esta Noche Voy Contigo [Zoo Version] (1991) - Esta Noche Voy Contigo [Resort Version] (1991) - Suenos (1991) - Tu Seras La Historia De Mi Vida (1993) - Donde Estas Corazon

Shakira and Voices - Fifa Events


My Goddes Shakira Rules The US Charts

Shakira is still steaming up the US pop charts after scoring a second week at numbers one and two, with Gnarls Barkley's megahit Crazy set for a takeover at the top. Furtado's Timbaland collaboration, Promiscuous, has scored a second week at number one, while Colombian pop sensation Shakira's duet with Wyclef Jean, Hips Don't Lie, remains in second place. Shakira's summer 2006 anthem (Shakira sings in the final phase of the FIFA World ...) has also scored an eighth week at the top of USA Hot Latin Songs chart. Gnarls Barkley's international club anthem jumps from five to three, while Cassie's Me + You also jumps up a couple of places to land at number four. Christina Aguilera's comeback hit Ain't No Other Man is another high riser - the track jumps three spots on the new chart to number six. American Idol runner-up Katherine Mcphee has scored two new entries on the Hot 100 chart, including the week's highest, a cover of Judy Garland classic Some


Perhaps you are one who wants to do more than his share at Tel Hai this summer, that is, become a Madrich . Well, if you are new at this game, let me give you some timely advice. First of all, you must take into consideration your age. If you want to work with solelim whose ages range from ten to twelve, we suggest that you yourself should be at least thirteen so that they can look up to you to some extent. The same goes for the tzofim who are usually thirteen and fourteen. That means that you should be about fifteen, or if you wish to give a sage-like appearance, sixteen. The bonim, as our beloved rosh Kvutza, Harry, once said, are anywhere from fifteen to twenty-five. But for them it does not matter how old you are because the bonim never pay any attention to madrichim anyway. They consider them a mere formality. So you think you are old enough for one of these age groups. We shall therefore proceed to tell you just what will be expected of you in each age group. We'll start out

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lyrik? stats for Juy 5th

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I am so bored that is why I am blogging. Hey everybodys!!! How was your 4th?!?! Mine was good. I had a small BBQ with my friends and family. No update on my friend with my friends. I have'nt really talked to them. This week is going by real fast! I did'nt relize it was thursday yet. I hope to get the season three of Charmed on DVD. I hav been out of money and I finally got some. So I am wanting to get that. Well I am really hungry so I am going to eat. BYE!!!!!!

Shakira Mebarak ble født i Barranquilla Colombia.

Foreldrene er av columbiansk og libanesisk opprinnelse. Shakiras første album "Magia" (magi) ble utgitt i Colombia da hun var 13 år, og ble produsert av Miguel E. Cubillos og Pablo Tedeschi. Etter noen år med skole ga hun ut sitt neste album, 'Peligra,' eller fare. Shakira har vært en sann "artista", og har danset, skrevet og synget siden hun var tre, og skriver fortsatt all hennes egen musikk. Shakira er kanskje best kjent for utgivelsen "Terter Descalzos", en hybrid av rock, pop og latinske rytmer, som har solgt over 3,6 millioner eksemplarer internasjonalt. Shakira blander amerikansk pop-rock med tradisjonelle latinske rytmer, som skaper hennes egen enestående lyd og gir ny grobunn for Latinsk musikk i de forente stater. Sangen som ble utgitt først, "Estoy Aqui", lå som nummer èn på hitlistene i ukevis, og gjorde henne til "latinsk diva". Shakiras karriere fikk en dytt da hun ble kåret til "Årets latinske kvinnelig arti

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Babe Mania refused to exchange links with me.I think that Babe Mania is a pure MFA site - MAde for adsense site and they profit from cheap traffic that they buy on google.

Singles chart

Weeks in Last week Smile Lily Allen Label: Regal Recordings >> 2 13 Hips Don't Lie Shakira Ft Wyclef Jean Label: Epic >> 5 1 In The Morning Razorlight Label: Vertigo >> 2 15 Maneater Nelly Furtado Label: Geffen >> 6 2 Last Request Paolo Nutini Label: Atlantic >> 2 NEW RELEASES I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker Sandi Thom Label: Rca >> 8 4 Buttons Pussycat Dolls Ft Snoop Dogg Label: A&m >> 3 3 Sexy Love Ne-yo Label: Def Jam >> 3 5 World Hold On (children Of The Sky) Bob Sinclar Ft Steve Edwards Label: Defected >> 1 NEW RELEASES She Moves In Her Own Way Kooks Label: Virgin >> 3 7 Monster Automatic Label: B Unique/polydor >> 6 6 Valerie Zutons Label: Deltasonic >> 4 11 An Easier Affair George Michael Label: Aegean >> 2 NEW RELEASES Mas Que Nada Sergio Mendes/black Eyed Peas Label: Concord/ucj >> 4 8 From Paris To Berlin Infernal Label: Apollo/europa >> 13 9 Who Knew Pink Label: Lafac