Take a bow – Rihanna

The video of the song "Take a bow" features Rihanna who is sitting in a dark room and is singing. She is singing for her boyfriend who is locked outside the house. Her boyfriend is shown running after the car when Rihanna is leaving and burning up her clothes.

The official video for "Take a bow" was premiered on 25 April, 2008. Single is a latest song that would include re-release of the singer's new album, Good girl gone bad. Ne-Yo has written the song. The track peaked at #79 on Billboard Hot 100.

The track describes usual female point of view as her boyfriend is apologizing after he being unfaithful. She then says that his performance is quite entertaining and asks to take a bow as if he were performing on some stage. There is a gentle tone to the lyrics of the song. However, at the heart of the song coveys a bitter tone along with disgust, that you are so ugly when you are crying. Take a bow is her first ever song to top the list at BET. The video is picturized is a fantastic style. This song is sure to last for a few weeks on the top.


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